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I had some difficulty putting this gallery together. I couldn’t decide what it should contain; should it be the best photos I took, or should it be the photos that best document my year? After flopping back and forth, I thought it should be both, then realized it would contain too many photos. After looking through thousands of photos, I managed to limit the gallery to 50 images. When I looked at what I had compiled though, I realized that too many “memories” were missing. I went back and added another 10 photos to fill in the gaps.
With a young child at home, priorities for my “free” time are shifting. In light of this, the number of hikes I completed in 2014 were somewhat limited. I was more selective about what I did, trying to visit new places and try new things. As a result, each of my trips was a little more memorable and rewarding. Thanks to everyone that joined me and made the trips possible.
Some highlights:
- getting back to Yosemite 3 times, after not visiting it for a number of years
- my 1st, 2nd & 3rd trips to Mammoth for hiking and family fun
- my first “spring” ascent of Mt. Whitney, requiring an ice axe and crampons
- two overnight trips in the Sierra
- hiking my 2nd tallest peak twice – Cirque Peak (12900 ft, May 18), then Dana Peak (13051 ft, July 18)
- sharing my love for the outdoors with my son and hopefully getting him started on a lifelong hobby
- after reading about them for years, I finally saw: Carey’s Castle, Clouds Rest, Mono Lake, Devil’s Postpile & Tuolumne Meadows
- adding mountaineering to my winter activities and crampons, ice axe and helmet to my gear box
To seem a summary of my hikes, including links to trip reports, photos & an interactive map, please see the following blog entry:
2014 (Major) Hike Log
The gallery and photos below are quite large. Here’s a video to watch while it loads.
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The photo gallery below (50+ photos) loads very slowly. Thank you for your patience.

What a great post, Lyndon! Sure brings back a lot of awesome memories