The Plan
We weren’t going to hike – we were just planning on going up to Icehouse Canyon to play in the snow with my son.
The Outcome
When we arrived at Icehouse, there wasn’t much snow at the trailhead and there weren’t any parking spots left. We decided to drive up to Manker’s Flats and walk up Baldy Road for a bit. Luckily I had put together a couple of packs ‘just in case.’
We started up Baldy Road and my son was surprisingly happy sitting in the pack. After the first mile, we decided to take Ski Hut Trail. The trail conditions were decent, but I decided to put on microspikes since the my pack was heavy (~55 lbs including my son). With a few stops to play in the snow and taking turns carrying the ‘heavy’ pack, we were about a .5 mile from the Ski Hut when I started to descend with my son. TW continued to the Ski Hut and met up with us at San Antonio Falls.
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